Resource Recycling and Auto Parts Manufacturing and Sales

Health and Safety Promotion Activities

We will continue to promote safety and health activities and ensure the participation of all employees and related personnel.

Building a Healthy, Safe, and Secure Workplace

Three Materialities (Important Issues)




Zero lost time due to injuries and personal injury accidents.

It is important to prevent accidents before they occur. No matter how well the hardware and software are constructed, accidents can still occur due to human operation errors or misunderstandings.

We will emphasize human error countermeasures, which focus on human errors and personal tendencies, and promote activities to reduce such errors and predict hazards.

We also encourage risk assessment and near-miss activities to ameliorate unsafe conditions.

In the event of an actual accident, we ensure that measures are taken to prevent recurrence and confirm the effectiveness of the countermeasures.


Information Gathering Ability

Information Gathering Ability

法令/Understanding and collection of information regarding regulations, accident cases, and trends of other companies.

We will collect information on revisions to occupational health and safety laws and regulations, in addition to general public and company accident case studies. This information is disseminated within the company as appropriate.

We also feed the collected information back into the system.


Planning/Support Capabilities

Planning/Support Capabilities

Creating Safety Mechanisms

We will improve the level of safety management and promote safety awareness by organizing various education and training programs, including forklift/truck driving safety workshops.

Developing and establishing a mechanism rooted in the field through collaboration with each business unit.

We will develop and establish various manuals and regulations, build a risk management BCP, strengthen 5S activities, and reinforce our linkage with overseas bases to continuously develop and establish a better system.