Resource Recycling and Auto Parts Manufacturing and Sales

Resource Recycling

Automotive Recycling Business

Contributing significantly to the realization of a recycling-oriented society through Japan's top-class end-of-life vehicle (ELV) recycling business

Contributing significantly to the realization of a recycling-oriented society through Japan's top-class end-of-life vehicle (ELV) recycling business

We are permanently working to build a recycling-oriented society and reduce environmental impact by properly disposing of end-of-life vehicles and focusing on recycling (resource separation) and reuse (used parts).

Customers who consult with us

  • Various companies involved in car life such as automobile production, sales, maintenance, etc.
  • Dear car owner

Do you have any of these problems?

Customer Issues

01I want to buy your car

I want to sell a car that I no longer drive at the highest possible price.

02I want to buy used parts.

I want to fix or customize my car using used parts at a reasonable price.

03I want to handle airbags

I want to properly dispose of airbags that are not subject to the Automobile Recycling Law.

04I don't want the vehicle to be resold, so I want to make sure it is dismantled (for companies).

We can also prepare a report with photos after proper disposal.

We're here to meet that need!

What Keiaisha can do:


ELV (End-of-Life Vehicle) Buying Service

We purchase ELVs at a high price.

We purchase ELVs at a high price.

Based on our significant expertise in resource recycling and parts sales, we assess the value of your vehicle and purchase it.

Our dedicated website, "ELV Cash Purchase Center",cuts out the middle man's margin.


Used Auto Parts Sales and Shipping Service

We sell high quality used auto parts

We sell high quality used auto parts

Keiaisha receives a large number of vehicles and offers a wide selection of high quality used parts.

You can view each factory's inventory on"Yahoo!"


Proper Airbag Disposal Service

We dispose of airbags properly at a licensed facility.

We dispose of airbags properly at a licensed facility.

Keiaisha, with its reliability and proven track record, can ensure the proper disposal of airbags that are not subject to the Automobile Recycling Law.

Please refer to "Airbag Disposal Service" for more details.

  • Airbag Disposal Service


Demolition Certification Service (for companies)

We will prepare a report after your vehicle is processed.

We will prepare a report after your vehicle is processed.

If you wish to have your car dismantled without its parts being resold, we will prepare a report with photos of the dismantled car if you ask us to do so.

(Please make this request before the purchase price is determined or before the car is delivered to the factory.)

Please feel free to contact us to purchase end-of-life vehicles and dispose of airbags

Automotive Recycling Business

Contact us for consultation and inquiry.

Flow of End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling


Enter vehicle information

Enter vehicle information

Database entry of vehicle history information, vehicle type, color, engine, transmission type, etc.


Proper Disposal of Tires and Batteries

Proper Disposal of Tires and Batteries

Tires Recycle at our Factory
Batteries Recycled by Specialized Companies
Aluminum Wheels Recycle at our Factory


Waste Oil and Liquid Disposal

Waste Oil and Liquid Disposal

Gasoline Reuse in our Vehicles
Oil Processed and Reused
Cooling Water Proper Disposal by Specialized Companies
Airbags Recycled by our Company
Freon Proper Disposal by Specialized Companies
Shredder Dust Proper Disposal by Specialized Companies


Used Parts Collection

Used Parts Collection

Exterior Parts Stored and Sold as Recycled Parts (also exported overseas)
Functional Parts
Undercarriage Parts


Nibbling Process (separate collection of ferrous and nonferrous raw materials)

Nibbling Process (separate collection of ferrous and nonferrous raw materials)

Iron (undercarriage, muffler) Refining at Steel Mills
Aluminum (engines, transmissions, etc.) Recycle at our Factory
Copper (wiring, motors) Recycled by Specialized Companies
Others (bumpers, catalysts, etc.) Proper Disposal by Specialized Companies


Hard Pressed

Hard Pressed

Body Color Recycled by Electric Furnace Makers

Strengths of the Automotive Recycling Business

Six Recycling Plants Nationwide

Six Recycling Plants Nationwide

We have six vehicle recycling plants located in Kanto, Tohoku, Kinki, and Kyushu. In addition, we have established partnerships with other companies to pick up and dismantle vehicles in areas where we do not have plants, thereby creating a system that spans almost the entire country.

Most Processing Experience in the Industry
(vehicles and airbags)

Most Processing Experience in the Industry (vehicles and airbags)

Keiaisha owns more than half of the facilities in Japan that can process airbags, and we have a great deal of experience in this area.

  • Airbag Disposal Service

ISO Certification and Efforts to Reduce Environmental Impact

ISO Certification and Efforts to Reduce Environmental Impact

ISO 14001 certification has been obtained at all of our vehicle recycling plants in order to permanently reduce our environmental impact. In addition, we recover chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and process gasoline, engine oil, and engine cooling water safely, reliably, and efficiently.

The gasoline extracted is used as fuel for forklifts and sales vehicles in our plants, and some waste oil is processed and recycled to be used as fuel for our aluminum plants, thereby reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

Comprehensive Resource Recycling Company

Comprehensive Resource Recycling Company

By collaborating with other divisions, we are able to recycle resources to the maximum extent possible and cut out intermediary margins, which in turn are passed on to our customers.

We have been in business with major companies for many years because of their strong trust in us.


Can I buy any car?

"The purchase price of a vehicle is calculated based on a comprehensive assessment of the market value of resources and the value of parts at the time, so the price may vary greatly depending on the time of year.

In addition, if a high value part is damaged or missing due to an accident, the purchase price may be reduced. Depending on the extent of the damage, the vehicle may even not be for sale."

What is the recycling fee (recycling ticket)?

The recycling fee is levied for the disposal of the shredder dust, airbags, and chlorofluorocarbons from air conditioners that remain after dismantling a car.

Currently, most cars are deposited together with the purchase of a new car, and a document called a recycling ticket is kept along with the vehicle inspection certificate.

What are used and rebuilt parts?

Used parts is a generic term for parts that are removed for reuse when dismantling a car.

There are various types of used parts, including exterior parts and functional parts related to driving. Rebuilt parts are used ones that have been overhauled to have near-new performance by replacing damaged parts and consumables.

Rebuilt parts are often used in engines, transmissions, driveshafts, and other parts directly related to driving.

They are also used in electrical components such as cell motors and air conditioner compressors.

Please feel free to contact us to purchase end-of-life vehicles and dispose of airbags

Automotive Recycling Business

Contact us for consultation and inquiry.